Temp. at 00:00 11.4 °C
The next train from Brno(main st.) 00:08 on Saturdays and Sundays only, not running on 12/25, 12/26 and 1/1, you must press STOP button before train arrive to stop Babice.
Other departures today

Bydlení a Chata Pod Ronovem
664 01 Babice n. Svitavou 210
Tel.: +420 603 453 791
E-mail: info@podronovem.cz


(c) Kontura Design


To enter some part of the house click on the apropriate button or area in the picture.

Basement  Groundfloor  First floor  Attic
Flat 1Flat 2Flat 3Flat 4
Byt 1 Byt 2 Apartmán Byt 4 Groundfloor