Temp. at 10:36 1 °C
The next train from Brno(main st.) 11:00
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Bydlení a Chata Pod Ronovem
664 01 Babice n. Svitavou 210
Tel.: +420 603 453 791
E-mail: info@podronovem.cz


(c) Kontura Design

Rates of living from in bungalow ab 2024-07-01


Room: 7200 CZK / month
Whole bungalow (flat 4+1) with ground: 24800 CZK / month

Prices cover fees for energies and internet.

A bail of 1 month rent will be charged at moving in.

Prices of further services

1x a month clean bed sheets 200 CZK / set

Use of inn's laundry 80 CZK / washing cycle